GRAS Determination

  • Facilitate full characterization of substance

  • Perform feasibility assessment

  • Determining available information to demonstrate the safety of the substance under the intended conditions of use

  • Identifying missing key studies/information

    1. Developing a strategy to obtain the needed data such as performing chemical analyses, in vitro testing, and more

    2. Planning publications for key studies

  • Prepare information package

    • Conduct a comprehensive review of the relevant published literature

    • Summarizing natural occurrences and the history of the traditional use of the substance as food material

    • Discussion on key toxicological studies, ADME profile, history of safe use, and reported adverse reactions in humans

    • Derivation of an acceptable daily safe intake or exposure

    • Estimating daily intake or exposure resulting from the intended use of the substance

    • Safety substantiation for the intended use

  • Scientific Expertise: Utilize in-depth knowledge of toxicology and regulatory guidelines to assess the safety of substances

  • Expert Guidance: Provide expert guidance and recommendations throughout the GRAS determination and notification process to the US FDA